Tag Archive | Worldview

There’s no Such Thing as a Good Guy or a Bad Guy

There are no such things as good guys and bad guys. There are only people, all of whom were made by God, all of whom He loves and cherishes dearly. We are simply human beings, broken, fallen, sinful men and women living in a world that doesn’t always make sense to us. We are all imperfect, and we all experience things that hurt us, that don’t make sense and that cause us (sometimes unnecessary) pain and suffering. It is what we do in response to this world and the things in it that causes us to be labeled either as good or bad, but the truth is, each one of us has the capacity to do great good and/or great evil. Read More…

My Reply to “Defending God?”: Thoughts on Apologetics and Evangelism

I just read an article by Ryan Fouts entitled “Defending God?”   This blog post is a collection of my thoughts in reply to that article, which can be found at his blog: http://ryanfouts.com/defending-god

I think this article has some good points, namely that God doesn’t need defending, and  that you can have all the sound arguments you want and all the answers to their refutations of your arguments ready, but at the end of the day, there will always be people who remain unconvinced and refuse to “see the light” or acknowledge the truths of your point.  This I think is not a matter however, of us living in a country where Logic is not king (though I agree that our country is a unique blend of modern and post-modern thinking with a splash of Eastern thinking increasingly making its way in), but is rather a matter of the way in which we form and hold to our beliefs. Read More…